Hotel Environmental Policy

Here at Peckforton Castle we are firm believers in sustainable tourism and we are committed to the implementation, of proactive measures, to protect and sustain the local environment. We recognise the impact of our operation on the environment and aim to minimise any detrimental effects that may occur.

The company aims to create a safe and clean environment, implement sustainable use of resources and optimal management of waste. Furthermore, it will ensure that environmental issues are kept at the forefront of employee’s minds and given proper attention at all times.

In order to achieve this, we are taking the following actions:

We comply with the requirement of environmental legislation and approved code of practice
We reduce pollution emissions and waste
We reduce the use of energy, water and other resources
We raise awareness, encourage participation and train employees in sustainable business practices
We expect similar environmental standards from all suppliers
We encourage guests to consider the environment when using our services


Environmental initiative

We re-use paper and card wherever possible. All employees are encouraged to only print documents when necessary and use other means to reduce waste, such as telephone calls or emails.
Duty Managers and night team ensure all unnecessary lights and appliances are switched off when not required.
All appliances are set to the lowest effective settings possible when in use
We actively monitor water, gas & electricity usage and look for ways in which to reduce our consumption such as restrictors on showers, magnets fitted to boilers, solar panels installed on the roof, energy saving light bulbs.
We re-use all plastic bottles in housekeeping and kitchen by only ordering cleaning products in refill pouches.
We have soap and moisturiser dispensers in the public toilets to reduce wastage of product.
We recycle all glass bottles and jars from bars and restaurant.
We recycle all plastic containers from the kitchen by cleaning and using for storage.
We use sustainable charcoal in our Bertha oven.
We use the blast chiller to rapidly cool food instead of using running cold water.
We recycle our cooking oil and purchase it from a sustainable, local source.
We extensively use local producers to reduce carbon foot print.
Minimise wastage by using all bones, skins, vegetables trimmings in stocks, sauces, purees and powders.
We use biodegradable cleaning products and materials across the hotel.


LRE Cheshire Environmental Policy

  • Part of Land Rover CO² Programme

Land Rover is the first vehicle manufacturer to launch into the UK its own CO² offset programme. Managed by the independent environmental group Climate Care, CO² emissions created by our vehicles and the processes involved in their manufacture are offset throughout investment in projects across the globe, including renewable energy, technology change and energy efficient initiatives.


  • Follow the Fragile Earth Policy

Land Rover’s Fragile Earth commitment is a global promise to ensure that our actions minimise environmental damage. Land Rover is committed to protecting the environment and we ensure sound, sustainable practise in all our activities.  Following the Land Rover Mantra to Drive as slow as possible but as fast as necessary.


  • We teach customers to drive in a way that reduces fuel consumption.
  • Switch off all electrical appliances when not in use.
  • Recycle plastic bottles, paper and ink cartridges.
  • Recycle used/damaged tyres.
  • Encourage staff to car share.
  • No plastic or paper cups used.
  • Planting of new shrubs on site.
  • Ensure all customers are aware of the Fragile Earth Policy we follow.
  • Shop locally – Peckforton Hills Water
  • Limit printing as much as possible.
  • Use of biodegradable cleaning liquids.
  • Recycling of brake pads.
  • Thermostats on all radiators.